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Monday, June 22, 2009

Meet the Staff: Ro

Ro learned to knit when she was 8 or 9 years old. She pestered her mom to make things for her stuffed animals until she finally caved in and just taught her how to knit! Aside from knitting, Ro enjoys biking, traveling, watching her friend's triplets grow, and building homes with Habitat for Humity.

Ro came to Omaha from Red Oaks, Iowa to attend Creighton Univeristy. She taught in Omaha Public Schools for 33 years. Now that she is retired she is enjoying her time at String of Purls and keeping up her other interests.

What are Ro's favorites? Color, texture, and the satisfaction of completing a project! Her favorite yarn, at least for now, is CashVero by Cascade. She does say there are very few yarns she avoids as she likes most yarns. Ro finds modular knitting patterns especially fun because she likes geometrics.

"Guilt-Level of Stash Size:" Ro gives it about a 5 or 6 (10 being the highest!) and says she's been working on it!