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Friday, May 22, 2009

Pick Your Palette!

Painting with Yarn is now available through String of Purls. Are you feeling the need to expand your knitting creativity? Or perhaps you're thinking, "What are they trying to get me into now!?" We promise no brushes or actual paints are involved (unless you wish, of course!).

Painting with Yarn is a whole new angle to the "art of knitting." We help you design and coordinate a throw or blanket to match your home decor. If you are local to Omaha or passing through, simply bring in any home decor item with your desired colors. Anne will coordinate yarns to match the item. As a result, she will create a custom "throw kit" to match any room in your home! If you are not in the Omaha area, you can mail us a swatch and Anne will do a phone/email consultation with you.

Visit the Painting with Yarn page today to get started!