Debbie Macomber Delights Knitters
The crowd stretched beyond the front door as avid fans of Debbie Macomber awaited the mistress of the finely woven tale. String of Purls was delighted to welcome Debbie for her return visit to Omaha. Who knows where she finds the time to write, knit and support many worthy causes such as Warm Up America and The Omaha Hearing School. Wherever it comes from, her energy is contagious and her stories hilarious.
Debbie manages to appease her reader's appetites with a bevy of new books including the recently released Back on Blossom Street. Just one more winner on a long list of knitting books and novels.
Though Debbie needed to move on, we held a slumber party to knit squares for Warm Up America. Were we ever surprised when Debbie reappeared and joined us later that evening!